In fact, I have rarely hungry before lunchtime, so apart from a cup of coffee in the morning, not like almost nothing before noon. This habit has forced me to listen to more sermons about the harm I do to myself, my diet, my job and my health than many others. Only a fool the most important meal of the day jump, right?
As in the case of many nutritional advice, our belief in the power of breakfast is based on a misinterpretation of research and tendentious studies.
It does not take much effort to find research showing an association between skipping breakfast and poor health. A 2013 study published in the scientific weekly Circulation found that men who skip breakfast have a significantly increased risk of coronary heart disease than those who eat breakfast. However, as in the case of most studies on breakfast, it is an association, not a cause.
The breakfast item is the subject of most publications biased than any other subject. In an article published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition in 2013, researchers reviewed the literature on the effect of breakfast on obesity, to consider this issue specifically. The first thing he noticed was that nutrition researchers love to publish results that show a correlation between skipping breakfast and obesity. But although like repeated again and again, we have reached the point where there is no reason to continue to publish more on this subject.
However, they also found significant errors in the findings. constantly they influenced people to interpret their results in favor of a relationship between skipping breakfast and obesity. They used incorrectly to describe their findings causal language. They cited deceptively what they found other researchers and causal language used to cite the results of others. People think and wants you to believe that breakfast is not bad.
But a thorough review of all observational research indicates methodological errors in this field, as well as the problems that arise in an analysis combining the results of studies influenced by trends in publishing. Partnerships should be viewed with skepticism and confirmed in prospective trials.
There are few randomized controlled trials, which there are, although they are methodologically poor, as most studies on nutrition, do not support the need for breakfast.
A study of 2014 is even more confusing, with more financial conflicts of interest than I thought possible-as it found that there is no difference regarding weight loss if someone leaving fast to do and someone who eats breakfast and does not. But a test of 1992 in which the same study found that both groups had lost weight. It accepts a balanced perspective that we have no idea what happens.
Many of the studies are funded by the food industry, which is a clear trend. Kellogg's funded a frequently cited article which concluded that eating cereal at breakfast is associated with being thinner. The Quaker Oats Center of Excellence, part of Pepsi Co, funded a test that showed that eating oatmeal or corn flakes frosty low weight and reduces cholesterol (if eaten in a highly controlled environment every day for four weeks).
Many studies focus on children and argue that those who eat breakfast are also thinner, but this research suffers from the same errors that studies with adults.
And what about the argument that children behave and perform better in school if they eat breakfast? While systematic reviews found that often this is the case, we should consider that much of the research are based on the observation of the impact of school breakfast programs.
One of the reasons why breakfast appears to enhance learning and child development is, unfortunately, too many children do not eat enough. Hunger affects nearly one in seven US households, or about 15 million children. Many more children receive breakfast lunches at school.
It is not hard to imagine that hungry children will perform better if they feed. However, that is not the same as investigating whether to force breakfast to children who are well nourished.
It has been found that children who skip breakfast are more likely to be overweight than those who eat two breakfasts. But apparently that's because children because they want more of a breakfast hungry at home. This is different from saying that breakfast helps you lose weight.
The conclusion is that the importance of eating breakfast is far from clear. If you're hungry, eat breakfast, but do not feel bad if you prefer not to do it and do not listen to more sermons about it. Breakfast does not have mystical powers.
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